How the Brain and Spirituality Influence Each Other?
*What is the brain?The brain is a collection of about 100 billion neurons. Of these neurons, only a few thousand are responsible for conscious perception and thinking. The vast majority of our thought processes take place unconsciously. All that takes place within our consciousness is stored in an "interpretation" of the world, which we use to create thoughts, "think," and perceive the world around us. We use both conscious and unconscious cognitive processes for our perceptions of the world. The human brain processes information about the world and the cognition of our mind. Our brains have specialized structures in both of these areas (conscious and unconscious) that create the mental and emotional experiences of life.
*The brain and spirituality
The brain is a complex and extraordinarily complex structure. To say it is "touched by the spirit" is inaccurate and not substantiated by science. But I do believe the brain is a very spiritual organ. I often quote the following as evidence for this belief: "...there is an emergent property called a "spiritual cloud" which is created by a person's mind, emotions and deep-seated beliefs. "The Spirituality-Brain-Mind Connection." In Elkins, F., and Snyder, A., eds., Handbook of Integrative Integrative Neuroscience,author, and philosopher, made the startling observation that, "...
*The brain and religion
The study of the brain and religion is not new. Frederic Diesterhoff reports on studies in several locations of the globe from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries. Most of these studies involved using unconscious responses to religious, non-religious, and also science-based materials. In the mid-nineteenth century, it began to be possible to record the electrical activity of the brain with electrodes, allowing the recording of actual brain activity. The oldest of these early recordings were at the Uppsala mental hospital, where tests were carried out on patients who had had epilepsy.
*The brain and spirituality
In her book "Beyond Belief: The New Science of the Mind and the Brain," neuroscientist Christine Gross-Loh proposes that the essence of human consciousness may be emergent—" from a mix of neural and non-neural factors." Gross-Loh notes that a team of researchers identified for the first time in human beings "new features that emerge from the neural circuitry of meditation." Her research also shows that "during one of the most common meditative techniques, attention is concentrated on a single object—a subject of focus." Therefore, a brain scanner that records during meditation can "trace the significant responses that arise from this focus on a single object, as opposed to a focus on a collection of things.
Important for religious people to be mindful of and respectful of people of different faiths or other kinds of spiritual interests, even those that are less dogmatic than the Church. In a world where they are apparent, research areas dedicated to religion will necessarily be important and hotly debated. As will the proposed solutions for the challenges that religion faces. A great deal of research has been devoted to understanding people's physical, mental, and social responses to faith.
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